Clean Wines: Truth or Myth?

Vinhos Limpos: Verdade ou Mito?

Paulo Castro |

Today we bring you a topic that creates many discussions among wine lovers : the truth about so-called “Clean Wines”. This is a delicate and fascinating subject that deserves detailed analysis.

What Are “Clean Wines”?

Firstly, it is crucial to define what “clean wine” means. This terminology is unofficial and varies greatly, but generally refers to wines produced with as few chemical additives and human interventions as possible. The idea is that these wines offer a more "pure" and "natural" experience. But is this really true?

The Question of Biogenic Amines

One of the biggest concerns surrounding conventional wines is biogenic amines, such as histamine and tyramine, which can cause adverse reactions in some people. Clean wine advocates claim that their products have much lower levels of these compounds. In fact, practices such as complete fermentation and reduced use of sulfites can contribute to this reduction. However, it is important to highlight that the presence of biogenic amines can vary greatly and does not depend solely on the production method.

Winemaking Practices and their Influence

The processes used in winemaking have a significant impact on the quality and characteristics of the wine. For example, using indigenous yeasts (native to the grape itself) instead of commercial yeasts can influence the biogenic amine profile of the wine. These indigenous yeasts generally lead to a more complex fermentation and can help create a wine with fewer additives and amines.

The Reality About Sulfites

Sulfites are another hot point of debate. Many clean wines are promoted as being "low sulfite." Sulfites are used to preserve wine and prevent oxidation, but some consumers are sensitive to them. Reducing sulfites can be beneficial for these people, however, it is an oversimplification to say that all conventional wines are high in sulfites and all natural wines are low.

Natural Wines vs. Clean Wines

It is essential to differentiate between natural wines and clean wines. Natural wines follow a philosophy of minimal intervention, both in the vineyard and in the cellar. Not necessarily all natural wines are "clean" according to the popular definition, especially if we consider the possibility of uncontrolled fermentations increasing the levels of biogenic amines.


In short, "clean wines" may offer benefits to certain consumers, especially those sensitive to sulfites or biogenic amines. However, the purity of a wine cannot be guaranteed by the “clean” label alone. As always, the best approach is to educate yourself about the wines you consume, get to know the producers and their winemaking practices.

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Vinho limpo era o que se fazia em casa dos meus pais pelis anos 60 em talha de barro sem quaisquer aditivos apenas a fermentação própria da uva
É coisa que me causa confusão quando referem que o vinho tem toques de frutas ou flores
Amadeirados ainda se percebe se os vinhos adquirirem o sabor da madeira das talhas mas toques de frutas ou outros sinceramente não entendo

Susete Evaristo,

Bons dias! Claro, que tanto a vinha, como a vinificação poderão ser dirigidas para que o vinho seja mais “limpo”,mas há um senão a grande influência que a industria tem no sector. A escolha do ecossistema da implantação da vinha é muito importante, algo que foi muito descorado. Há regiões onde todas as semanas as vinhas têm de ser “curadas”, outras com 2/3 “curas” conseguem-se muito bons resultados. Tão simples e hoje por aqui me fico.

João Flipe Abrantes Ferraz,

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